Careers in Pallet Networks
Every person and every business needs physical goods, whether that is the food in your supermarket trolley or
cement to build houses. Getting all these things to the right place at the right time, wherever they come from, is
called logistics. The pallet networks are a key part of this essential social and economic service.
What roles are available?
A career in logistics is a challenging, exciting opportunity for all school leavers, career-changers or graduates – and
one which too few people consider. It’s versatile, busy, challenging and technical. We employ all kinds of
professionals including engineers, transport managers, customer service personnel, marketing experts, IT
developers, accountants, business developers and HR experts. The possibilities are endless.
At the bottom of this page you can read what a "Day in the life" of some of these jobs is like...
I'm interested in a career, what can I expect from the sector?
Many people still think logistics means blue collar, low skilled jobs – but they couldn’t be more wrong. Even HGV
drivers and warehouse staff are today highly trained, governed by complex regulations, and receive continuous
professional development. Their roles are much more sophisticated today because they do little manual handling,
and use the latest equipment and technology to track and monitor vehicles, goods and freight movements.
We need these professionals not only to make our businesses strong and to ensure everything gets where it’s
going but to minimize the impact of logistics on climate change. Our people are constantly finding new and
innovative solutions, often in partnership with customers, to lower the carbon footprint of deliveries, reduce the
number of trucks on the road, and minimize the use of fossil fuels.
Next time you order online or go to the supermarket, think about where your food came from, how far it has
travelled and which remarkable professionals have planned that trip, whether across the country or across the
world. They have chosen the right vehicles, the most efficient routes, the most effective way of maximizing the
vehicle load, all with regard to safety and often to very tight deadlines.
Think about the people who designed the software which means you can track your parcel to your door. Who is on
the other end of the line if you have a question?
Often the people who pioneer solutions in logistics are not academics poring over plans, but people on the ground,
making suggestions, noticing problems, talking to customers and wondering: Could we do this better?
Next steps...
So who will bring the next innovation which transforms how we get the things we need, could it be you?
Logistics is at the heart of every business. The rate of change is rapid. It is driven by technology and by smart people in every role. The jobs in logistics are recession-proof, varied and never boring. It is also one of the few
sectors in which you can start as an apprentice and wind up as MD.
Whatever your interests or qualifications, you can be certain there is a role for you in logistics. With fast-track
prospects and sector specific training, choose pallet networks as a career and you’ll never look back.
A Day in the Life...
Click on the links below to find you what it's really like to work in a Pallet Network.
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