
Welcome to the Association of Pallet Networks

The APN was founded in 2006 by the current Chairman, Paul Sanders, and has attracted membership from the eight leading pallet networks in the UK.

Together its members represent over:





13+ million sq ft

of warehouse space

What is a Pallet Network?

A pallet network is a group of professional hauliers working together as members to provide a cost-effective, nationwide next day delivery service.


Group of member hauliers work together
Collect & deliver palletised freight in their own zone
Trunk to a central transhipment hub
Next day deliveries

Detailed Description

Network members (independent transport companies) collect pallets of freight from their customers, consolidate it at their own depots and trunk it to the network hub.
In the hub, freight is then unloaded and placed in marshalling areas according to delivery postcode area, along with freight from other members being delivered to the same postcode area.
The pallets are loaded onto the member vehicle for each specific postcode area and trunked back to the members' depots.
Freight is then unloaded from the trunk vehicle and placed onto the delivery vehicles to enable pallets to be delivered to customers.

Benefits of Using Pallet Network

On average a UK customer is always within six miles of a pallet network member
Weekly Fill
Hub and spoke operation helps consolidate freight - average vehicle fill is 73% (compared to industry average of 51%).
Vehicles per Day
Pallet networks therefore reduce the number of vehicles on the roads by an estimated 800 per day
Consolidation and trunk fill reduces congestion
Pallet networks are geared for timed, just-in-time deliveries - with a reliability of over 98%

Website Home Page

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©2025 The Association Of Pallet Networks. Privacy Policy
APN, Westfill Road, Fradley Park, Lichfield, WS13 8NG. Email: info@theapn.co.uk. Website Design By Zarr